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Version: 5.0


function useResource(endpoint: ReadEndpoint, params: object | null):
Denormalize<typeof endpoint.schema>;

function useResource(...[endpoint: ReadEndpoint, params: object | null]):
Denormalize<typeof endpoint.schema>[];

Excellent for retrieving the data you need.

useResource() suspends rendering until the data is available. This is much like awaiting an async function. That is to say, the lines after the function won't be run until resolution (data is available).

Cache policy is Stale-While-Revalidate by default but also configurable.

  • Triggers fetch:
    • On first-render
      • or parameters change
      • or required entity is deleted
      • or imperative invalidation triggered
    • and When not in cache or result is considered stale
    • and When no identical requests are in flight
    • and when params are not null
  • On Error (404, 500, etc):
  • While Loading:


function Post({ id }: { id: number }) {
const post = useResource(PostResource.detail(), { id });
// post as PostResource


function Posts() {
const posts = useResource(PostResource.list(), {});
// posts as PostResource[]


function Posts() {
const [user, posts] = useResource(
[UserResource.detail(), { id: userId }],
[PostResource.list(), { userId }],
// user as UserResource
// posts as PostResource[]


function PostWithAuthor() {
const post = useResource(PostResource.detail(), { id });
// post as PostResource
const author = useResource(UserResource.detail(), {
id: post.userId,
// author as UserResource

Paginated data

When entities are stored in nested structures, that structure will remain.

export class PaginatedPostResource extends Resource {
readonly id: number | null = null;
readonly title: string = '';
readonly content: string = '';

static urlRoot = '';

static list<T extends typeof Resource>(this: T) {
return super.list().extend({
schema: { results: [this], nextPage: '', lastPage: '' },
function ArticleList({ page }: { page: string }) {
const { results: posts, nextPage, lastPage } = useResource(
{ page },
// posts as PaginatedPostResource[]

Useful Endpoints to send

Resource provides these built-in:

  • detail()
  • list()

Feel free to add your own Endpoint as well.