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Version: 6.3

Infinite Scrolling

Add Update Function matching network schema

If your API follows a common pattern, adding the Endpoint.update to a base class can make adding pagination behavior to any of your endpoints quite easy.

type Params = { cursor: string; [k: string]: any };
abstract class BaseResource extends Resource {
static list<T extends typeof Resource>(
this: T,
): RestEndpoint<
{ results: T[]; cursor: string | null },
> {
return super.list().extend({
schema: { results: [this], cursor: null },
update: (newResults: any, { cursor, }: Params) => ({
[this.list().key({ })]: BaseResource.appendList.bind(

static appendList(
newResults: { results: string[] },
existingResults: { results: string[] } | undefined,
) {
const existingList = existingResults?.results ?? [];
const existingSet: Set<string> = new Set(existingList);
const addedList = newResults.results.filter(
(pk: string) => !existingSet.has(pk),
const mergedResults: string[] = [...existingList, ...addedList];
return {
results: mergedResults,

Create pagination hook

Here we'll define a helper hook for pagination that uses the BaseResource Endpoint.update. This can then be used for any Resources that conform to this schema. Most likely that is the same as those extending from BaseResource.

import { useMemo } from 'react';
import { ReadEndpoint, useController } from 'rest-hooks';

function usePaginator<
E extends ReadEndpoint<(params: any) => Promise<any>, any>,
>(endpoint: E, params: Omit<Parameters<E>[0], 'cursor'> | null) {
const { fetch } = useController();

return useMemo(
() => {
if (!params) return null;
return (cursor: string) => {
const p: Parameters<E> = [{ ...params, cursor }] as any;
return fetch(endpoint, ...p);
// "params && endpoint.key(params)" is a method to serialize params
[fetch, params && endpoint.key(params)],

NewsList example

We'll extend the BaseResource created above, to define the correct schema for list().

import BaseResource from 'resources/BaseResource';

class NewsResource extends BaseResource {
readonly id: string | undefined = undefined;
readonly title = '';
readonly url = '';
readonly previewImage = '';

pk() {
static urlRoot = '/news';

Now we can declare our data depency to get list results with useSuspense, and get an imperative handler getNextPage using our new hook.

Since UI behaviors vary widely, and implementations vary from platform (react-native or web), we'll just assume a Pagination component is built, that uses a callback to trigger next page fetching. On web, it is recommended to use something based on Intersection Observers

<Pagination /> is assumed to call its onPaginate prop when a user scrolls and its nextCursor is not falsy. It will then pass the nextCursor prop as the sole argument to onPaginate.

import { useSuspense } from 'rest-hooks';
import NewsResource from 'resources/NewsResource';
import usePaginator from 'resources/basePaginator';

function NewsList() {
const { results, cursor } = useSuspense(NewsResource.list(), {});
const getNextPage = usePaginator(NewsResource.list(), {});

return (
<Pagination onPaginate={getNextPage} nextCursor={cursor}>
<NewsList data={results} />