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Version: 5.0

Using a custom networking library

Resource.fetch() wraps the standard fetch. One key customization is ensuring every network related error thrown has a status member. This is useful in distinguishing code errors from networking errors, and is used in the NetworkManager.

SimpleResource can be used as an abstract class to implement custom fetch methods without including the default.


If you plan on using NetworkErrorBoundary make sure to add a status member to errors, as it catches only errors with a status member.

Fetch (default)


The whatwg-fetch polyfill will be useful in environments that don't support it, like node and older browsers (Internet Explorer). Be sure to include it in any bundles that need it.

import { Endpoint } from '@rest-hooks/endpoint';
import type { EndpointExtraOptions, Schema } from '@rest-hooks/endpoint';
import { Entity } from '@rest-hooks/endpoint';

import paramsToString from './paramsToString.js';
import { RestEndpoint } from './types.js';

class NetworkError extends Error {
declare status: number;
declare response: Response;
name = 'NetworkError';

constructor(response: Response) {
response.statusText || `Network response not 'ok': ${response.status}`,
this.status = response.status;
this.response = response;

/** Represents an entity to be retrieved from a server.
* Typically 1:1 with a url endpoint.
* This can be a useful organization for many REST-like API patterns.
* @see
export default abstract class BaseResource extends Entity {
// typescript todo: require subclasses to implement
/** Used as base of url construction */
static readonly urlRoot: string;

static toString() {
return `${}::${this.urlRoot}`;

/** Returns the globally unique identifier for this BaseResource */
static get key(): string {
/* istanbul ignore else */
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (this.urlRoot === undefined) {
throw new Error(`urlRoot is not defined for Resource "${}"
Resources require a 'static urlRoot' or 'static get key()' defined.
return this.urlRoot;

/** URL to find this BaseResource */
declare readonly url: string;

/** Get the url for a BaseResource
* Default implementation conforms to common REST patterns
static url(urlParams: Readonly<Record<string, any>>): string {
if (
Object.hasOwn(urlParams, 'url') &&
urlParams.url &&
typeof urlParams.url === 'string'
) {
return urlParams.url;
if ( as any) !== undefined) {
return `${this.urlRoot.replace(/\/$/, '')}/${ as any)}`;
return this.urlRoot;

/** Get the url for many BaseResources
* Default implementation conforms to common REST patterns
static listUrl(
searchParams: Readonly<Record<string, string | number | boolean>> = {},
): string {
if (Object.keys(searchParams).length) {
return `${this.urlRoot}?${paramsToString(searchParams)}`;
return this.urlRoot;

/** Perform network request and resolve with HTTP Response */
static fetchResponse(input: RequestInfo, init: RequestInit) {
let options: RequestInit = init;
if (!options.body || typeof options.body === 'string') {
options = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
return fetch(input, options)
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new NetworkError(response);
return response;
.catch(error => {
// ensure CORS, network down, and parse errors are still caught by NetworkErrorBoundary
if (error instanceof TypeError) {
(error as any).status = 400;
throw error;

/** Perform network request and resolve with json body */
static fetch(input: RequestInfo, init: RequestInit) {
return this.fetchResponse(input, init).then((response: Response) => {
if (
!response.headers.get('content-type')?.includes('json') ||
response.status === 204
return response.text();
return response.json().catch(error => {
error.status = 400;
throw error;

/** Init options for fetch - run at fetch */
static getFetchInit(init: Readonly<RequestInit>): RequestInit {
return init;

/** Get the request options for this BaseResource */
static getEndpointExtra(): EndpointExtraOptions | undefined {
return {
errorPolicy: error =>
error.status >= 500 ? ('soft' as const) : undefined,

/** Field where endpoint cache is stored */
protected static readonly cacheSymbol = Symbol('memo');

/** Used to memoize endpoint methods
* Relies on existance of runInit() member.
protected static memo<T extends { extend: (...args: any) => any }>(
name: string,
construct: () => T,
): T {
if (!, this.cacheSymbol)) {
(this as any)[this.cacheSymbol] = {};
const cache = (this as any)[this.cacheSymbol];
if (!(name in cache)) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias
const resource: any = this;
cache[name] = construct().extend({
get name() {
return `${}.${name.replace(/#/, '')}`;
return cache[name] as T;

/** Base endpoint that uses all the hooks provided by Resource */
protected static endpoint(): RestEndpoint<
(this: RestEndpoint, params: any) => Promise<any>,
Schema | undefined,
> {
return this.memo('#endpoint', () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line
const resource = this;
const instanceFetch = this.fetch.bind(this);
const url = this.url.bind(this);

return new Endpoint(
function (params: any) {
return instanceFetch(this.url(params), this.getFetchInit());
key: function (this: any, params: any) {
return `${this.method} ${this.url(params)}`;
fetchInit: {} as RequestInit,
getFetchInit(this: any, body?: any) {
if (isPojo(body)) {
body = JSON.stringify(body);
return resource.getFetchInit({
method: this.method,
signal: this.signal,
method: 'GET',
signal: undefined as AbortSignal | undefined,

/** Base endpoint but for sideEffects */
protected static endpointMutate(): RestEndpoint<
(this: RestEndpoint, params: any, body?: any) => Promise<any>,
Schema | undefined,
> {
const instanceFetch = this.fetch.bind(this);
const endpoint = this.endpoint();
return this.memo('#endpointMutate', () =>
fetch(this: RestEndpoint, params: any, body: any) {
return instanceFetch(this.url(params), this.getFetchInit(body));
sideEffect: true,
method: 'POST',

static {
Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, 'url', {
get(): string {
// typescript thinks constructor is just a function
const Static = this.constructor as typeof BaseResource;
return Static.url(this);
set(v: string) {
Object.defineProperty(this, 'url', {
value: v,
writable: true,
enumerable: true,

const proto = Object.prototype;
const gpo = Object.getPrototypeOf;

function isPojo(obj: unknown): obj is Record<string, any> {
if (obj === null || typeof obj !== 'object') {
return false;
return gpo(obj) === proto;



import { Resource, Method } from '@rest-hooks/rest';
import type { SuperAgentRequest } from 'superagent';

const ResourceError = `JSON expected but not returned from API`;

* Represents an entity to be retrieved from a server.
* Typically 1:1 with a url endpoint.
export default abstract class SuperResource extends Resource {
/** A function to mutate all requests for fetch */
static fetchPlugin?: (request: SuperAgentRequest) => SuperAgentRequest;

/** Perform network request and resolve with json body */
static async fetch(
input: RequestInfo, init: RequestInit
) {
let req = request[init.method](input).on('error', () => {});
if (this.fetchPlugin) req = req.use(this.fetchPlugin);
if (init.body) req = req.send(init.body);
return req.then(res => {
if (isInvalidResponse(res)) {
throw new Error(ResourceError);
return res.body;

export const isInvalidResponse = (res: request.Response): boolean => {
// Empty is only valid when no response is expect (204)
const resEmptyIsExpected = res.text === '' && res.status === 204;
const resBodyEmpty = Object.keys(res.body).length === 0;
return !(res.type.includes('json') || resEmptyIsExpected) && resBodyEmpty;



import { Resource, Method } from '@rest-hooks/rest';
import axios from 'axios';

export default abstract class AxiosResource extends Resource {
/** Perform network request and resolve with json body */
static async fetch(
input: RequestInfo, init: RequestInit
) {
return await axios[init.method](input, init.body);