Transforming data on fetch
All network requests flow through the fetch()
method, so any transforms needed can simply
be done by overriding it with a call to super.
Note: If you retain control over the API design, generally it's preferred to
update the data sent over the network. Keeping the client as thin
as possible
is helpful to both performance and complexity.
That said, in many cases you want to consume APIs you don't have control over - be they public APIs, or due to internal organizational structure.
Snakes to camels
Commonly APIs are designed with keys using snake_case
, but many in typescript/javascript
prefer camelCase
. This snippet lets us make the transform needed.
import { camelCase, snakeCase } from 'lodash';
import { RestEndpoint, RestGenerics } from '@rest-hooks/rest';
function deeplyApplyKeyTransform(obj: any, transform: (key: string) => string) {
const ret: Record<string, any> = Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {};
Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
if (obj[key] != null && typeof obj[key] === 'object') {
ret[transform(key)] = deeplyApplyKeyTransform(obj[key], transform);
} else {
ret[transform(key)] = obj[key];
return ret;
class CamelEndpoint<O Extends RestGenerics = any> extends RestEndpoint<O> {
getRequestInit(body) {
// we'll need to do the inverse operation when sending data back to the server
if (body) {
return super.getRequestInit(deeplyApplyKeyTransform(body, snakeCase));
return super.getRequestInit(body);
process(value) {
return deeplyApplyKeyTransform(value, camelCase);
Deserializing fields
In many cases, data sent through JSON is serialized into strings since JSON only has a few primitive types. Common examples include ISO 8601 for dates or even strings for decimals that require high precision (floats can be lossy). Keeping data in the serialized form is often fine, especially if it is only being used to be displayed. However, this can be problematic when derived data is computed like adding time to a date or multiplying two numbers.
In this case, simply use the static schema with Date and BigNumber
import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';export class ExchangePrice extends Entity {exchangePair = '';updatedAt = new Date(0);price = new BigNumber(0);pk() {return this.exchangePair;}static schema = {updatedAt: Date,price: BigNumber,};}export const getPrice = new RestEndpoint({path: '/price/:exchangePair',schema: ExchangePrice,});
import { getPrice } from './api/Price';function PricePage() {const currentPrice = useSuspense(getPrice, { exchangePair: 'btc-usd' });return (<div>{currentPrice.price.toPrecision(2)} as of{' '}<time>{Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', { dateStyle: 'medium' }).format(currentPrice.updatedAt,)}</time></div>);}render(<PricePage />);
Case of the missing Id
You now want to interface with a great new streaming site called
. It has
a simple API to retireve information about current streams. You can get a stream with the
url pattern[username]/
. However, for some reason they don't
return the username in the response body! You want to be able to refer to it and it's
the only uniquely defining identifier for the class.
We can simply parse the username from the request url itself and add that to the response.
"title": "When I'm Grandmaster, I will play faster.",
"game": "Starcraft II",
"current_viewers": 1337,
"live": true
const USERNAME_MATCHER = /.*\/([^\/]+)\/?/;
class Stream extends Entity {
readonly username: string = '';
readonly title: string = '';
readonly game: string = '';
readonly currentViewers: number = 0;
readonly live: boolean = false;
pk() {
return this.username;
const getStream = new RestEndpoint({
urlPrefix: '',
path: '/:username',
schema: Stream,
process(value, { username }) {
value.username = username;
return value;
Using HTTP Headers
HTTP Headers are accessible in the fetch Response. RestEndpoint.fetchResponse() can be used to construct RestEndpoint.
Sometimes this is used for cursor based pagination.
import { RestEndpoint, RestGenerics } from '@rest-hooks/rest';
class GithubEndpoint<O extends RestGenerics = any> extends RestEndpoint<O> {
async parseResponse(response: Response) {
const results = await super.parseResponse(response);
if (
(response.headers && response.headers.has('link')) ||
) {
return {
link: response.headers.get('link'),
return results;
Name calling
Sometimes an API might change a key name, or choose one you don't like. Of course
you have much better naming standards, so instead of your Resource
class definition
and all your code, you just want to remap that key.
class RenamedEndpoint<O extends RestGenerics = any> extends RestEndpoint<O> {
getRequestInit(body) {
if (body && 'carrotsUsed' in body) {
const newBody = { ...body, carrotsUSedIsThisNameTooLong: carrotsUsed };
delete newBody.carrotsUsed;
return super.getRequestInit(newBody);
return super.getRequestInit(body);
process(value) {
if ('carrotsUsedIsThisNameTooLong' in value) {
// ok to mutate jsonResponse since we control it
value.carrotsUsed = value.carrotsUsedIsThisNameTooLong;
delete value.carrotsUsedIsThisNameTooLong;
return value;