<MockProvider />
function MockProvider({
}: {
children: React.ReactChild;
results: Fixture[];
}): JSX.Element;
\<MockProvider /> is a simple substitute provider to prefill the cache with fixtures so the 'happy path' can be tested. This is useful for storybook as well as component testing.
Deprecated: Use \<MockResolver /> instead as it also supports imperative fetches like create and update.
Note: \<MockProvider /> disables dispatches, thus no fetches will occur. To simply initalize the cache, use mockInitialState() to construct initialState for the normal \<CacheProvider />
interface Fixture {
request: ReadEndpoint;
params: object;
result: object | string | number;
This prop specifies the fixtures to use data from. Each item represents a fetch defined by the
Endpoint and params. Result
contains the JSON response expected from said fetch.
Renders the children prop.
import { MockProvider } from '@rest-hooks/test';
import ArticleResource from 'resources/ArticleResource';
import MyComponentToTest from 'components/MyComponentToTest';
const results = [
request: ArticleResource.list(),
params: { maxResults: 10 },
result: [
id: 5,
content: 'have a merry christmas',
author: 2,
contributors: [],
id: 532,
content: 'never again',
author: 23,
contributors: [5],
<MockProvider results={results}>
<MyComponentToTest />